Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get a quiz round or complete quiz?
If there is download button, just press that. If not (and there may not be as the site is currently being redesigned), please email me and I will send the quizzes to you by return.
Can I change any of the quiz questions?
Absolutely, the quiz will come as a Word document which will make it easy for you to replace a question you don't like with one of your own.
Can I have a quiz round written specifically for my audience?
Yes, that's our speciality. Get in touch via the Contact Us tab and let me know as much detail as possible. First name and surname are the minimum I need, but the more information I have, the more I can personalise the round.
Can I make suggestions for a round I'd like to see?
Please do, and when I've put it together, I'll send you a free copy.
Do you offer a weekly or monthly subscription?
Not yet, but if enough people show an interest, I'd be very happy to do so.
What is your Privacy Policy?
Our privacy policy is available